
To take, so far as is reasonably practicable, all reasonable measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare of staff, pupils and other persons who are legitimately on the school premises, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, relevant regulations, approved codes of practice, guidance notes, the Health and Safety Policies of Lancashire Education Authority, and with due regard to advice and information provided by the Authority’s advisers, and to make sure that when staff  take pupils off the premises all reasonable measures continue to be taken.


  • To ensure, policy and practice details are in place, monitored, reviewed and revised as necessary.
  • To make clear that, although certain staff i.e. the site supervisor and head teacher, have specific responsibilities, all staff, pupils and visitors have a responsibility to one another for health, safety and welfare.
  • To promote all aspects of health, safety and welfare at every opportunity and always.
  • To promote and reinforce them in the promotion of the schools’ aims and objectives, policies and practice guidelines for the school ethos, discipline, PSHE, and through specific health, safety and welfare lessons.

Note: The guidance given here is important but limited. Any concerns or uncertainties must be brought to the attention of others who can give guidance. Prevention is better than cure.

Be aware of separate guidance, either in the Staff handbook or from senior staff, especially on matters like:

1. The administration of medicines

2. Taking children off the site including trips and visits and including supervision levels.                    

1. All Employees’ responsibilities

              –             Duty to take reasonable care of own safety and the safety of others

              –             Comply with employer’s advice and guidance

              –             Use equipment safely

              –             Report defective equipment

              –             Report accidents and dangerous occurrences

              –             Be familiar with and observe all safety policies and procedures

              –             Take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all persons in their                                         charge

2. Responsibilities

              –             Inspect own area on a regular basis to   

                            a) Ensure safety measures are being maintained

                             b) Safety instruction/safe working practices are being followed by staff and children.

                            c) Make any necessary changes to practices and procedures

              –             Inform staff of any hazards to health and safety they are likely to encounter

              –             Ensure staff know how to perform their duties without risk to health and safety

              –             Ensure staff and pupils are aware of emergency procedures

              –             Ensure protective clothing and equipment is provided/worn/used and maintained

              –             Ensure adequate supervision is maintained

              –             Ensure all equipment is maintained in safe working order

              –             Ensure defective equipment is removed from use immediately

              –             Ensure all resources are used correctly and safely

Class Teacher’s Responsibility

              –             Ensure the safety of pupils whilst in their charge

              –             Adopt safety measures within their own teaching areas

              –             Follow safe working practises personally

              –             Request and use protective clothing when necessary

              –             Make recommendations to the head on safety procedures or potential           `                           hazards

              –             Be aware of, and carry out, emergency procedures in respect of fire, bomb alert, first aid and accident (separate sheets)

              –             Be aware of procedures for the administration of medicine (separate sheet)

Non Teaching Staff’s Responsibility

As for all employees and class teachers

Health and Safety and Risk Assessment Checks

These will be done at least annually and as the need arises.


Covid 19

See Covid 19 Outbreak management plan and related policies:

Attendance Addendum (Covid 19)

Child protection policy Addendum

Fire and Emergency Evacuation

1. Procedures  –   see   a) attached sheet

                                    b) Laminated instructions, in each room

2. Fire Alarms, Extinguishers and Fire Doors — please be aware of where they are and how to operate them.

3. All fire exits and access to them must be kept clear.

4. Fire doors should be kept closed at all times.

Rooms, Equipment and Grounds

1. They must be used correctly for the purpose they have been provided, by staff, pupils and visitors.

2. Guidance is available from staff on the correct use of equipment, especially PE equipment.

3. Any faults, or situations that arise, which could or will affect the health, safety and welfare of staff, pupils or visitors, must be reported immediately to the office and sign in.

First Aid

a) First Aid Boxes and Incident Report Book


b) Bumps to the head must be reported to parents using the standard letter provided with each First Aid room.

c) Serious Accidents (those requiring a visit to the doctor or hospital) — an Accident Report Form, kept in the office, must be completed.

Substances brought from home

These must be thoroughly checked. What is suitable for use by adults may not be suitable for children.

Guidance can always be found in school.

Administration of Medicines

The school will do all it can reasonably do to ensure the health of children at school. The administration of medicine is the responsibility of parents/guardians, but school will co-operate, as far as is reasonable, to assist. No member of staff is obliged to administer medicine to a pupil.

Group/Class/School Visits

All those involved in class visits should ensure that

              –             Plans are made which cover every eventuality – e.g. an accident occurs

              –             The risks involved are assessed and guidance, if necessary, sought i.e. Pupil/staff ratios, experience of helpers, pupil special needs

–             All possible costs are identified and can be met

–             All health and safety requirements are fulfilled i.e. First Aid Boxes and sick bags are taken

– Parents and the school office have appropriate and accurate information and have given consent

–             It is clear who is in charge and what the roles and responsibilities of everyone else is.

              –             Emergency Action and Procedures are known and used as necessary

Car Parking

Outside school premises.

Contractors on site

All contractors report to the office before coming on site. If you have any doubts about anyone on the site contact the office.

Electrical safety and the use of portable appliances

Lights and all electrical appliances should be switched off and appliances unplugged when not in use UNLESS you are told otherwise by a senior member of staff.

Portable electrical appliances should be used according to manufacturer instructions and used or kept in a way that will not cause health and safety risks.

COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous To Health

No substance should be brought on the premises that does not fulfil COSHH regulations.

All substances in containers with the sign of a black cross on an orange background are DANGEROUS and should be locked away and not be accessible to children.

All other substances should be kept according to the manufacturer’s instructions or COSHH Guidance.


Children should be taught how to use it safely for their benefit and the benefit of others.

Security of the premises

All entrances/exits doors should be kept locked until the school starting times and as soon after finishing time, as possible.


Smoking is not allowed on the premises. See No Smoking E-cigarette Policy.

Wearing of jewellery

Children should not wear jewellery, other than ear studs, at school. These can cause nasty accidents when children are taking part in PE. Studs must therefore be removed by the child, for PE, Games, otherwise the child must not take part.

Appendix 1 – Statement of intent

The Head teacher of Rawdhatul Uloom Islamic Primary School, will so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that all activities under their control are carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. We will also consider relevant regulations, approved codes of practice, guidance notes, the Health and Safety Policies of the Lancashire Education Authority and with due regard to advice and information provided by the Authority’s advisors.

We therefore, will do what is reasonably practicable to exceed the minimum requirements within the resources that are available. The Head teacher will also ensure that systems are in place, which will allow us to improve our safety performance.

The Head teacher will comply, so far as is reasonable, with arrangements and procedures made by Rawdhatul Uloom as part of its responsibilities as employer. In the case of lettings arranged by the Head teacher, they will ensure that appropriate health and safety arrangements are in place.

In return, the Head teacher expects all employees to exceed their minimum legal duties, which are stipulated later in the Health and Safety Policy.  Included in this is the co-operation of all employees to assist the Head teacher in carrying out their obligations as required. 

Any necessary changes will be brought to the attention of all employees to assist in improving safety performance.

The Trustees will ensure that:

  • The HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICIES and Codes of Practice are fully implemented and, to ensure compliance, will monitor on a regular basis;
  • The school produces its own safety policy and that the policy is annually reviewed.
  • The Safety Policies will be brought to the notice of all employees;
  • The school has considered its health and safety obligations and has made provision for meeting those obligations;
  • The school’s staffing structure appropriately reflects the responsibilities for carrying out the arrangements for health and safety;
  •  Health and safety issues concerning the school are identified and appropriate action taken
  • Regular safety reports are provided by the Head teacher so that safety arrangements can be monitored and evaluated;

This policy will be reviewed annually or when necessary in order to meet changes in circumstances.