A complaints procedure is a way of ensuring that anyone with an interest in the school can raise a concern, with the confidence that it will be considered properly and heard and, if upheld, that the matter will be addressed appropriately and without delay.
At Rawdhatul Uloom Islamic Primary School, we always endeavour to provide high quality education whilst ensuring we build positive relationships with children, parents, community members and other stakeholders. To further enhance this relationship and to encourage continuous improvement we feel it essential that concerns and complaints are dealt with appropriately and effectively in a timely manner.
We strongly believe that it is in everyone’s interest that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. If any parent is unhappy with the education that their child is receiving, or have any concerns relating to any aspect of the school, we encourage them to talk to their child’s class teacher immediately. There is no doubt that if a concern is shared with the class teacher they can either reassure worried parents or together devise steps to take to address the concern. Parents must never worry about sharing their concerns with the class teacher. They WILL always be taken seriously.
This policy aims to:
• Encourage the resolution of concerns and complaints by informal means wherever possible;
• Ensure that concerns are dealt with quickly, fully and fairly and within defined time limits where possible;
• Provide effective and appropriate responses to concerns and complaints;
• Maintain good working relationships between the school and all those involved;
• Respect people’s desire for confidentiality.
At each stage in the complaint procedure the school will seek to look at ways how the complaint can be resolved. It might be sufficient to acknowledge that the complaint is valid in whole or in part. In addition, it may be appropriate to offer one or more of the following:
• An apology;
• An admission that the situation could have been handled differently or better;
• Explanation of the steps that have been taken to ensure it does not happen again;
• Assurance that the event that was the basis of the complaint will not recur;
• An undertaking to review school policy or procedure considering the complaint;
• An explanation that there is insufficient evidence and thus the complaint cannot be upheld;
• An explanation that, following investigation, the evidence does not substantiate the concern;
• Details of any disciplinary procedures that have taken place because of the complaint will not be shared.
Stage 1 (Informal): Complaint heard by staff member
Any parent who has a concern regarding their child’s education should discuss the matter, in the first instance, with the child’s class teacher. In our experience most matters of concern can be resolved positively in this way with apologies where necessary and agreed course of next steps to be taken. There may be instances where the staff member may feel it appropriate to refer the matter to a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT). In this instance they will inform the parent and the SMT member will deal with the complaint liaising with the class teacher as necessary and respond to within 5 days. If the response is unsatisfactory then the parent may wish to proceed to stage 2.
The complaint is to be logged on the informal complaint’s register.
Stage 2 (Formal): Complaint heard by Head teacher
If a parent feels their concern has not been addressed by the class teacher or member of the SMT, or that their concern is of a more serious nature, then they should make an appointment to see the Head teacher and forward details of the complaint in writing.
Parents will be informed of the outcome in writing within 10 working days of meeting the Head teacher.
The Head teacher may delegate the task of collating the information to another staff member but not the decision on the action to be taken.
The complaint is to be logged on the formal complaint’s register.
Stage 3 (Formal): Complaint heard by Chairman of Trustees
If parents are not satisfied with the response from the Head teacher or that the complaint is about the Head teacher then they should write to the Chairman of Trustees to request that their complaint is considered further. The complaint must be made in writing stating the nature of the complaint and a summary of how the school has handled it so far. This should be addressed to the ‘Chairman of Trustees’.
Parents will be informed of the outcome in writing within 15 days of when the Chairman of Trustees acknowledges the complaint.
If the complaint is about the Chairman of Trustees, then parents should write to the Proprietor.
The complaint is to be logged on the formal complaint’s register.
Stage 4 (Formal): Complaint heard by the Board of Trustees Complaints Appeal Panel
If the complainant is still not satisfied after stage 3 then they can escalate the matter to the BoT (Board of Trustees) Complaints Appeal Panel who will hear the complaint. The panel will comprise of nominated members of the BoT and will be chaired by the Chairman of the Trustees, unless he has been involved in previous stages. In this instance the Vice Chair or another nominated Trustee will chair.
The BoT Appeals Panel is the last school based stage of the complaints process and is not convened merely to rubber stamp previous decisions.
The complaint will be considered by a panel consisting of at least three people who are not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint. One member must be independent of the management and running of the school. At this panel hearing the parent may be accompanied if they wish. Individual complaints will not be heard by the whole BoT at any stage, as this could compromise the impartiality of any panel set up for a disciplinary hearing against a member of staff following a serious complaint. The decision will be communicated in writing within 10 days.
The complaint is to be logged on the formal complaint’s register.
Remit of The Board of Trustees Complaints Appeal Panel
The panel can:
• Dismiss the complaint in whole or in part;
• Uphold the complaint in whole or in part;
• Decide on the appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint;
• Recommend changes to the school’s systems or procedures to ensure that problems of a similar nature do not recur.
The Chair of the Panel will notify the complainant of the panel’s decision in writing, including the reasons for the decision. A deadline for this will be set at the hearing and communicated to the complainant. The letter will also explain if there are any further rights of appeal and, if so, to whom they need to be addressed.
The copy of the decision and all matters relating to complaints will be also made available to the person complained about, if relevant and stored in the Complaints Folder so can be viewed by the Head Teacher and Proprietor. In this folder a record of all complaints that are made, whether they are resolved following a formal procedure or proceed to a panel hearing and action taken by the school will be logged because of those complaints. All these findings will be kept confident and stored in the Head Teacher’s office and will be available on request from a regulatory body.
General Principles
• No trustee will sit on a panel if he/she has had prior involvement;
• We will attempt to ensure that the panel consists of a cross section of the categories of trustees and sensitive to the issues of race, gender and religious affiliation;
• At any stage throughout the complaints process the parent may be accompanied or represented by a person of their choosing;
• The aim of the hearing, which needs to be held in private, will always be to resolve the complaint and achieve reconciliation between the school and the complainant;
• The panel Chair will ensure that the proceedings are as welcoming as possible;
• The panel will equal consideration to the views of the child as they do to an adult;
• It has to be recognised that the complainant might not be satisfied with the outcome if the hearing does not find in their favour.
If after the final decision, the complainant is still not satisfied, they can write to the Secretary of State for Education at the Department for Education (DfE):
The School Complaints Unit (SCU):
Department for Education
2nd Floor, Piccadilly Gate
M1 2WD
Summary of the Complaints Process
Stage 1 – Complaint heard by staff member
✓ Ensure complaints co-ordinator informed of outcome.
If not resolved, then escalate to Stage 2 – Complaint heard by Head teacher.
✓ Acknowledge receipt of complaint;
✓ Write to complainant with outcome of investigation within 10 working days of meeting the Head teacher;
✓ Ensure complaints co-ordinator informed of outcome;
✓ Offer escalation to Stage 3 if dissatisfied
If not resolved, then escalate to Stage 3 – Complaint heard by Chairman of Trustees.
✓ Acknowledge receipt of complaint in writing or by phone;
✓ Write to complainant with outcome of investigation within 15 days of when the Chairman of Trustees acknowledges the complaint;
✓ Ensure complaints co-ordinator informed of outcome;
✓ Offer escalation to Stage 4 if dissatisfied
If not resolved, then escalate to Stage 4 – Trustees complaints panel meeting arranged.
✓ Issue letter inviting complainant to meet;
✓ Issue letter confirming panel decision as per the agreed timescales;
✓ Ensure complaints co-ordinator informed of outcome.
Advise of escalation route to the Secretary of State for Education.